Monday, February 7, 2011

How to improve battery life on Android

Modern smartphones tend to use a lot of battery and it's pretty normal situation that you won't get through a day on your phone without a charger. But it doesn't have to be like that. I'll show you few easy steps to significantly increase your battery life. This tutorial is meant for Android users with rooted phones and with custom recovery. You can still give it a try on any other phone by skipping steps that are Android (rooted) specific.

Five easy steps to calibrate battery:

1) fully discharge your phone, until it shuts down.
2) fully recharge your phone
3) boot into recovery and wipe battery stats (rooted phones only)
4) use your phone normally until it fully discharges and shuts down
5) fully recharge your phone

Those steps should really increase your battery life and you can repeat them when your battery life decreases significantly. Some even suggest once a month.
Here is the latest example of my battery life before and after calibration:



Please leave your comments and tell me if it worked for you.